Saturday 25 October 2014

KPK under PTI leadership

On 13 May 2013, Chairman PTI, Imran Khan nominated Pervez as the Chief Minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the top post in the province where Imran Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) is the single largest party with 45 out of 99 seats, the party gained another 10 seats through allocation which increased its total seats to 55. Khattak was elected CM with 84 votes, more than his nearest rival from JUI-F Maulana Luftur Rehman who secured 37 votes. He will head a coalition government with PTI as the leading party while Jamaat-e-Islami and Qaumi Watan Party will also be part of the government.

True to its election promise of eliminating corruption from government departments, the Tehrik-i-Insaf has succeeded to a great extent, in reducing corruption at the higher echelons of Kyber Pakhtoon Kawah governement. In KPK strict check is being kept on the financial dealings of Cabinet Ministers. The expulsion of Awami Watan Party Minister, on charges of corruption, was certainly a big political risk that the Provincial PTA Government took.

On lower level even more amazing changes have been brought about. Perhaps, for the first time in Pakistan’s history, the Thana and Patwari culture, has been changed for the better. According to objective accounts, the behavior of the police at police stations has improved considerably; similarly, Patwaris have been made accessible to the people. The land revenue staff’s behaviour with masses is verified from the people, through their cell numbers. Similarly the working and attendance of doctors has improved tremendously not only in major government hospitals, but at small basic health units in villages also. Government teachers are now much more regular in attending the school where they are posted.

At the national level also PTI has evolved as a genuine hard hitting Opposition party, determined to give a hard time to the government on any of its shortcomings. As PTI Chairman Imran Khan himself admits that he is an idealist, his party has tried to introduce moral and ethical politics in Pakistan. In spite of being a modern party, Tehrik-i-Insaf has successfully captured the imagination of the conservative voters, who felt ideologically, more at home with the PML-N, on the political spectrum. The PTI seems to have successfully portrayed itself as a party of change.

  •          PTI submits resolution in NA against drone attacks 
  •          Pti takes first step against Drone attacks

The fundamentals (law making) in KPK has been exemplary, far more than any other province of Pakistan! 
Visit the official website for more details:

Three Administrative steps which could change the fate of the Province and Pakistan.

1Independent Police - Seperation of police from Political party and Politicians.
2- Independent NAB - Seperation of ( National Accountability Bureau ) from ruling political party and ruling politicians.
3- Electronic Voting system - Holding " Baldiayati " بلدیاتی Elections and transferring resources and power to Local body / Lower level.

Other revolutionary administrative steps Inprocess include:-
  • Implementation of "Right to Information" bill in KPK.
  • Promoting Industrialization.
  • Energy Generation.
  • Police-to-victim-service.
  • Online FIR System.
  • Women-centric Developments.
  • Mobile Courts.
  • Rehabilitation of Drug habits
  • Law Enforcement Capability Enhancements.
  • Upgradation of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa electricity distribution system.
  • Working on Whistleblower law to be implemented in KPK.

The PTI government might not have achieved perfection, but it has sincerely made an all-out effort to cleanse the proverbial Aegean’s stables that had been dirtied for decades in the KP.